
frederic_lebrun_julien_adriana_dipolo-300x179Training of highly qualified personnel has been a major focus of Dr. Adriana Di Polo’s laboratory. We provide an outstanding training environment for individuals with an interest to develop expertise in cutting-edge multidisciplinary fields of neurosciences, cell biology, mechanisms of disease, and their clinical applications. We welcome motivated and talented students, post-doctoral fellows and researchers to join us.

Please submit your CV to Dr. Adriana Di Polo (adriana.di.polo@umontreal.ca).

Fellowship Opportunities

We are happy to assist students and post-doctoral fellows to apply for various fellowships:
Vanier Canada Graduate Scholarships
Canadian Institutes of Health Research Fellowships
MITACS Accelerate Program (Academic-industry partnership, which allows trainees to gain industrial experience)
Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada
Fonds de la Recherche en Santé du Québec
